Create Your Own Kind Of Warmth With Paradise Fibers!

Every morning, with a hot cup of coffee on standby, I crochet my heart out for a good 20 minutes. I used to crochet whenever I had “time,” but I’m learning to make time. It helps me slow down, prepare … Continue reading

2016 Goals

2016 Goals



So, I know I’m a little lot late on this whole “goals for the year” thing. But, better late than never right?! So here’s some of the goals I made at the beginning of the year and how I’m doing on them 🙂

*edit* Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I cannot believe I almost forgot to mention this! My mother made made wear something green today. I tried convincing her that my green eyes were enough, but she wasn’t having it 😉 

Read 24 Books:  My goal is two books a month, I almost always read more than that. But, I’m giving my self some leeway. I’m not sure how many books I’ve read so far this year… I think about 5 or 6. I know that’s not a lot. Some people read that in a month. Nonetheless, I love reading and collecting books. I got a Kindle as a gift a few months back and love reading on it. I might actually like it a tiny bit better than paper books. The jury’s still out…

Read the whole Bible: Okay. Initially I was going to try and read it in 90 days. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen. I tried reading it really fast and felt like I was rushing myself. I’m not doing this so I can read it really fast and say “Oh, I’ve read the whole bible.” I’m doing it to grow closer to God and strengthen my faith. This is not a competition nor a race. I’m going to take my time and enjoy reading His word.


Crochet 24 Hats: I learned to crochet last summer by attending a class at my library. I only went once and then taught myself from there. I’m not a professional by any stretch of the imagination. I don’t know how to do fancy stitching or even read patterns. But, I can make scarves, pot holders, and hats. When I started crocheting, I had several hats laying around collecting dust. So, I googled charities that accept crocheted/knitted donations and found Knit for Kids. They’re a charity that sends donated hats and sweaters to kids in need all over the world. I love using my newfound hobby for the greater good. If you or someone you know crochets or knits, tell them about Knit For Kids.


Start a blog: I can officially check this one off the list!! I technically created a wordpress account in 2015, but published my first blog post in January 2016. I have always loved writing and connecting with people. I’m pretty self conscious about my writing so that caused me to hesitate starting a blog. But, I’ve gotten to connect with so many wonderful people from all over the world. I love blogging and plan on doing it for a long time 🙂

Strive for Balance: This is something I think I’m doing fairly well on. What I mean by “strive for balance,” is to balance my workout regime, diet, school work, and life overall. I’m learning to expect the unexpected and go with the flow. If I miss a workout on my workout day that’s fine. If I didn’t plan on dessert, but everyone is having a cookie, I’ll have a cookie. I know to some people this doesn’t sound “technically healthy,” but it is! I used to feel guilty if I missed a workout or had dessert, but depriving yourself of whatever makes you happy isn’t going to make you happy. Everything is okay in moderation!    

We’re only 3.5 months into the year and I feel confident in achieving my goals. I hope your year is off to a great start so far. I love setting goals and striving to reach them. No matter how big or small. Have a great rest of your week ❤  


Question Time:

What was/is one of your goals for 2016?  

What are you most excited about in 2016?


Thanks for reading,
