How To Become A Minimalist!



As I’m getting older I’m starting to view life in a different way.

I’m learning that the greatest things in life aren’t things. I’m learning that superficial things only bring temporary fulfillment.

So today I’m going to talk to you guys about how to become a minimalist.

I do want to point out that I still love to occasionally shop, collect certain things, and buy things that bring me joy; that will never change. But, I’m striving to let go of things that no longer benefit or better me.

I’m by no means a minimalist expert, and still have days where I contribute to the world of consumerism a little more than I’d like to admit, but nobody’s perfect…



{ Decide why you’re becoming a minimalist } — Most humans won’t do something unless they have a clear reason why they’re doing it. Minimalism is no different.

Ask yourself, “Why do I want to live more and own less?”

You don’t have to have a very descriptive answer, but just one little reason can be a great motivator!


{ Minimize your quantity } — This is the first step to becoming a minimalist. Getting rid of stuff can be scary, especially when you’re used to having lots of stuff in your life. So, start small. Even if it’s just one or two items, that’s a great start! If you have a hard time letting go of a certain item, give it to someone you know as opposed to charity. That way they’ll take good care of it and that may set your mind at ease a little more.


{ Closet clean out } — I love to do this at least once a month. I go through my closet and pick 3-5 items that I don’t use or haven’t worn in over 1 year. I donate them to a local ministry that gives back to the community and helps those less fortunate.

Things that no longer benefit you may benefit others!


{ Reap the reward } — In the midst of getting rid of old things, I’ve come across some good quality items that are actually worth money. It might not be the best idea to sell a pair of socks or a half used candle. But, it would be a good idea to sell that leather jacket you don’t wear anymore. There’s so many different ways to sell things on and offline.

Here’s a few of my most recommended ways to sell stuff : Have a garage sale, become an eBay seller, become an Amazon seller, run a classified ad in your local newspaper, see if a friend/family member would be interested in making a deal.


{ Only buying what I need } — I used to think if I walked into a store I had to buy something or else I looked silly. Or if I got a gift card as a present I needed to go out ASAP and spend it on something. The past few months I’ve really checked myself in this department and now save gift cards and use them towards purchases that are actually necessary.


{ Make shopping lists } — Making a shopping list is a great way to keep yourself accountable if you’re know to by everything in the store. Before, heading the supermarket make a list of what you really need (not what you really want) and stick to it!


{ Budget, budget, budget! } — This kind of goes hand in hand with shopping lists. Maintaining a budget will not only help you become more minimalistic, but you’ll also save money. Sticking with a budget isn’t always easy, but once you see how much money you can save, you’ll be so glad you stuck with it.


{ Just because it’s on sale doesn’t mean you have to buy it } — How many times have we all said, “Well, I don’t need it, but it’s such a good deal and I may need it someday…?”

Yep, I’ve been there too.


It can be so exciting to get a good deal on something, and yes, saving money is a great thing. But, before you take advantage of the ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ deal, make sure it’s something that will serve you, not your love for shopping.


{ Prioritize } — Probably the whole reason you’re becoming a minimalist is to let go of superficial things and focus on life’s priceless gifts. So, every time you think about going on a shopping binge, remind yourself why your chosen the path to minimalism. Remind yourself of what’s really important in life.


That’s all for today’s post! I hope you guys enjoyed my post on the topic of minimalist and how to become one. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on the topic and/or post in the comments below!


Question Time:

Do you consider yourself a “minimalist?”

How often do you clean out your closet? It’s okay to be honest 😉

61 thoughts on “How To Become A Minimalist!

  1. My budgeting advice is to shift into a “hobo mode”. Switch into the view of a person who will move out and go out on a journey tomorrow. And so, if you’re buying a new book or a new piece of clothing think how practical it is!


  2. Fantastic post! I’ve been devoting 15 minutes every day to thinning things down (aka de-cluttering). I want to get back to enjoying my life by living in a simpler and less chaotic manner.


  3. I DO consider myself a minimalist in mindset – our family home doesn’t reflect that yet, but that’s what happens when you have 3 kids and a husband! We’re slowly working through our things being more intentional about making decisions about items. So much of our clutter is just stuff we havent taken the time to evaluate – our clutter blindness!


  4. Edye, keep up the good work! I don’t necessarily label myself a minimalist, but I am a person who only shops when I have to, am not interested in more things or keeping up with the Joneses, and never ever exceed my limited storage space. When people (usually ones who happen to have way more storage space than I do) complain to me about their lack of storage space, I always say “You don’t need more storage, you need less stuff.”


  5. Love this! Such a good guide to becoming more minimalist. What I struggle with the most is not buying things I don’t need. Pretty much every time I go in a store I buy something. I love getting rid of stuff too! I’ve sold stuff on Vinted in the past as well, and I’ve been meaning to do it again because it’s a great way to clean out your closet and make a little money. 🙂


  6. This is a good reminder for me to go through my closet to clean it out. I always think “but what if NEED this polka dotted shirt for something” even if I haven’t worn it in like two years haha. but i always feel so relieved after a big room clean-out!


  7. Agreed! Minimalism is about keeping or buying only what you need–no fluff. Minimalism still means you have a rich, beautiful, and full life. Just with less crap. 🙂


  8. Pingback: Share the Wealth Sunday#92 - Morgan Manages Mommyhood

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  10. Thank you for this post Graceful Coffee. I don’t consider myself a “minimalist” (yet?!) but my husband and I have been traveling with hand luggage only for the last 7 months. Before we packed up and left home, we managed to fit all of our possessions into one small van…
    It was a strangely freeing sensation!
    I find that traveling with less makes me less stressed, and it has also given us lots of opportunities to save too. I wrote a bit about some of these opportunities here:
    Thanks again!


    • I’m so glad you stopped by and enjoyed the post, Sarah! That’s so cool that you and your husband are venturing out across the world without all that extra baggage. I totally agree; it’s so freeing! 🙂


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