What Defines You?



What defines you?

It’s a simple three word question with endless answer opportunities. Not to sound super “deep,” but there’s those times in life where we ask ourselves what am I made of? What am I known for? What do I want to be known for?

I find myself asking myself this question every so often and its caused some conflict within myself. Instantly when I ask myself this question I think about my mistakes. I think of all the times I’ve screwed up and all the times I’ve failed. Or, I think about how I’m not the skinniest person in the world or how I don’t have a flawless report card.

If this was someone else, I’d say “So what! Such minute things shouldn’t define you; you’re worth so much more.” But, when the person you’re saying that to is the person you see in the mirror it can be a whole different ball game.


Now, back to the question at hand…

What defines you?

Your character, your heart, your integrity, how you treat others. That is what defines you.

If you’re a good person, your size, age, race, religion, sex, or anything else of the sort is 100% irrelevant.




Not to contradict myself, but I don’t think everyone has to have just one definition. I feel like so many times in our life we’re known for just one quality when we really have so many more! It’s nice to be known for your awesome cooking skills, but are you just as recognized for your rapid forgiveness, your passion for justice, or the way you get up early and put the coffee pot on for your husband before he goes to work?

No matter how big or how small, each characteristic is just as valuable and just as precious.

The truth is each person is made up of trillions of cells, and just like those cells we’re made of trillions of qualities. Some of these qualities we won’t even recognize we have in our lifetime, but trust me, they’re there.

Bottom line: your worth is infinite.

Don’t be afraid to tap into your own potential and see what you’re made of. You might just be surprised at all you can do. You might even find another definition for yourself!


Question time:

Do you struggle with letting your past define you?

Any thoughts/comments on this topic?


37 thoughts on “What Defines You?

  1. I absolutely do allow my past to define me. I know I shouldn’t, but I do ! I always look at where I failed and that should make me learn from my mistake, and perhaps it does, but I still see myself as a failure, and not good enough. But, saying that, I do have some good qualities and I should focus on those and not think that I am such a failure as a person.
    I guess we are all human 🙂
    I need to allow myself to love myself and accept me for me.
    Thank you for a lovely post as always Edye, and have a beautiful weekend. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that quote about letting your past prepare you for who you are to become. It can be a process to not let it define you, but it is a beautiful thing to do. Thanks for sharing, and happy Friday!

    Kathryn • simplykk.com


    • Thank you so much, Kathrine! Giving grace to others is something we’re always being reminded to do (and rightly so); but, I feel like we also need to be reminded just as much to give grace to ourselves. I hope you have a marvelous weekend ❤


  3. I definitely do struggle with letting my past define me, or letting my struggles define who I am. I think it is so important to remember for me at least that I am defined by being a child of God, and that is enough!


  4. What a wonderul post. I struggle with some past mistakes and feel like a failure at times. But this is spot on. That is my past, it is not who I am. Thank you for sharing this. I really needed to hear this today.


  5. This is such a thought invoking post.

    In addition to my own mommy blog, I run a FB page: Mommy’s Mid-Life Quest ( https://www.facebook.com/mommysmidlifequest/ ) and this post would be perfect to share on it. I have a spot open on the 27th in the morning so I’ll plan to share it then. Feel free to tell all your readers that I’m featuring you on my page.

    Thanks for posting this on the Turn It Up Tuesday Link Party for me to find!


    • Thank you so much, Zoe! I’m blown away and extremely flattered that you’d like to share my post on your FB page. One of the greatest rewards from running this blog is seeing my posts inspire others. You’ve made my day! ❤


  6. Yes, I do and it sucks! I’ve had a horrible childhood in terms of being bullied for years. I tend to think nothing good will ever happen to me instead of being positive. This post was great 🙂


  7. This is a really interesting thought to ponder. I think to often in my life I have let the believes and words of others define me. Just recently I have come to think about how I truly define myself. I don’t really know just yet but at least now I am looking to myself instead of other people.


  8. There is always the “woulda coulda shoulda” and while there are things I would do differently, I don’t regret my past actions and decisions. Those actions/decisions made me who I am today. We can only live in the present and for the future and make the best choices we can make in this world. I choose to be kind.


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