What I’m Grateful For…

November is here, my friends!

This time of year I always reflect on the year and write down what I’m thankful for. Since I’m a blogger this year, I thought it would be nice to share with you guys some of the things I’m grateful for. Gratitude is something we all should practice; because if you’re breathing, you have something to be grateful for.

So all throughout this month I’ll be writing about thankfulness, sharing plentiful giveaways, touching on topics (shallow & deep), and much more!




Jesus – As you all know I’m a Christian, but every year that I walk more and more with The Lord I trust in Him even more. Every year I see more clearly that He really does hold me in the palm of His hand and won’t let me go. I’ve learned to trust in Him and only Him.


Family – I feel like we often take our families for granted. I mean, we figure they’ve always been there, so why won’t they always be? The truth is we never know when God will call us or our loved ones home. So we need to be grateful for them every day and tell them so! Saying “I appreciate you and all you do” is priceless. No, it’s not cheesy. It’s something that will last much longer than a bouquet of flowers.


Health –  Sickness is something I’m very familiar with. Not personally, but in my family there’s many people who aren’t in the best health. In the midst of me weeping for their illness, I realize that I’m so lucky to have vision, a strong heart, and a clean bill of health. Health is not a given. Whenever I go to a hospital I’m reminded of just that.


Coffee – Okay, this is a little more minute compared to the previous ones, but it’s totally necessary! I love getting up in the morning and picking out what cute mug I’m going to use that day; I love drinking my cup of coffee while my Grandma and I watch morning talk shows; I love getting seasonal creamers and crying when they’re gone. Coffee is something warm and comforting, it reminds me of a long warm hug.


Candles – Have you ever watched a candle flame? It sways back and forth in such a slow, peaceful motion. Some even give off delightful scents for us to enjoy! Like coffee, candles give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. They make any big, cold room warm and inviting.


Animals – All my life I’ve loved animals. When I was younger my family used to rescue stray dogs. We even had little houses/pins for them that my grandfather built; they had roofs, doors, and blankets. One time we had 20 dogs at once! I think since I grew up around animals explains my deep love for them. Whenever I see my neighbors walk their dogs or feed my hamster a carrot, I can’t help but smile. These creatures are living things just like us; only they want much less and love much more unconditionally.


Clean Water – So many people all over the world don’t have access to clean water. So the next time you go to your faucet to get a drink or buy a bottle of water at the drugstore, say a quick “thanks.” It isn’t a guarantee.


Baking – I love whipping up new goodies for my family to taste test and enjoy. Pinterest is my best friend, I’m always on there looking for new things to make. Baking is something I’ve done with my grandma since I was about 3. So, I credit her for my love of baking.


Blankets – Blankets are the best! I have at least ten big ones spread out all over the house. I love cuddling up under a warm blanket after a long day with a good book and snack – nothing beats it. Sometimes I even put my blankets in the dryer for a few minutes so it will be warm. I hope I’m not the only one who does this 😉


Sleeping In – The feeling of waking up to the sound of your alarm might be annoying to some, but I find it satisfying. Most nights I awake right before my alarm is set to go off. It’s like I have a built in clock that runs even when I’m sleeping – weird I know. Anywho, the feeling of getting a good nights sleep is so nice. Am I right?!



Okay guys, this list could really go on forever and ever. The more I think about it, I can think of things both big and small that I’m thankful for. When you really think about it, it’s not the big, expensive things that always enrich our lives. It’s the little, spur of the moment, things that really do mean the most. Have a wonderful month of November! Talk to y’all in my next post ❤


Question Time:

What is one the you’re grateful for?

Share your thoughts on the topic of gratitude!


Wanna make my day? Share this post!


37 thoughts on “What I’m Grateful For…

  1. I am so grateful for my dogs and cats. All are rescues and they enrich my life so much everyday. I never knew I was capable to love so hard. Being able to give them love and a lovely home to live in, is very special to me, as they deserve it. They are my life !
    I am incredibly grateful for so much in life, I too, have an endless list 🙂 Happy November Edye. 🙂


    • Yes, animals are such a blessing! My family has rescued many in the past and they all have a special place in our hearts. The love of an animal is something so priceless and beautiful. Have a wonderful week, Lynne ❤


  2. I don’t drink coffee so can’t relate to you there (yes I know I’m strange…love the smell, can’t stand the taste). But agree with many of your other items that you are grateful!


  3. Thank you for sharing this. You have got a wonderful heart and it’s reflected in this. You have inspired me to just take time to actually write out what I’m thankful for.. It’s easy to forget to take moments and thank God for all He gives and does for us. Thank YOU for the reminder ❤


  4. SO many wonderful things to be thankful for. I love this list. Health is such a good one. After my husband experiencing a huge scare and setback last month I will forever be thankful for the days we are feeling good. Can’t wait to hear more throughout the month!


    • Yes there is, Emelia! Prayers for you and your husband, I hope he gets better soon ❤ Health is a true blessing and can be taken away in a split second. So whenever we have it, we should rejoice. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!


  5. I love posts like this. It really is important to be grateful, whatever life throws at you. Although I’m not in the best of health, I feel that there are still things related to my health that I can be grateful for. My amazing team of doctors that do everything they can to support me & allow me to lead as ‘normal’ a life as possible. I’m grateful for the support & understanding my friends & family give me. I know many people who are chronically ill who don’t have the support that I do. Xx

    Tania | When Tania Talks


    • Thank you so much, Tania! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post ❤ Prayers for you and your health. People can be such a blessing; sometimes by just being there for you and letting you know you're not alone xx


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