If We Were Having Coffee {#1}

If We Were Having Coffee....png

Hello my sweet friends!

Today’s post is going to be a little more slower paced and talk-ish (that’s a word, right?)

I love reading these kinds of posts from other bloggers. I’m not quite sure who originally came up with the idea, but they’re a genius. I feel like every single one of you are my friends and I love the idea of sitting at my computer screen and chit chatting with you about life. So, grab your cup of coffee, tea, hot cocoa, water, or whatever you’re drinking these days and see what’s been on my mind.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I came home from a day of running errands with the family, checked my emails, and saw that I won a vacuum!

Fun fact about yours truly: I LOVE to vacuum! I know it can get noisy, but I find it kind of relaxing. Nothing beats having a clean floor!

I know this may seem silly, but my day was totally brightened by my winnings. I cannot wait to get my contraption in the mail and vacuum the whole house!



If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I’m feeling mixed emotions about graduating high school in 6 months.

Yes, I’ve been home schooled all my life, so I don’t have any friends to say goodbye to. But, for all 17 years of my life all I’ve know is school. Every day I think about what test is coming up or what notes I need to go over. To be honest, I’m sad to see that chapter close.

On the other hand, I’m excited to see what God has in store for me. I’m excited to find a college that has a good nursing program and find my first full time job. I’m excited to grow into a young woman, discover more about myself, and meet new people. Transitioning is always hard, but I know that with my amazing family and Jesus by my side, I’ll do just fine.



If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I may or may not be very excited for Christmas. I’ve always loved it, but this year it’s like I’ve been bitten by the Christmas bug! I think I have my mother and grandmother to thank for this. They are obsessed with anything to do with the holidays. We put up four trees last year. You read that right F O U R. After that confession I think you guys get what I mean when I call them obsessed. Oh well, you can add me to the list. I cannot wait to walk into the grocery store and hear Christmas music or see the bell ringer dressed as Santa 🙂


If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that as excited I am for cooler weather I’m already missing watermelon. I have a little slice left and then it’s goodbye until next summer. Why can’t we grow good watermelons all year round? Us watermelon lovers love watermelon 365 days a year!!



If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I have a Halloween costume, but I don’t really know what it is, ha! I got a masquerade mask and a black skirt with lace. I’m not quite sure what I was thinking, but I’m gonna go with it anyways… I guess I’ll wear bold makeup, all black, and boots? Would that make me a ninja, a princess, or a hot mess?! I’m not sure – hopefully not the latter. 😉



That’s all for today. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chit chat style post. I may do more in the future! Stay tuned for a new post on Sunday featuring a recipe and a giveaway! Happy Tuesday ❤


Question time:

What is one good thing that happened to you recently?

Are you dressing up for Halloween? What are you going to be?

36 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee {#1}

  1. will you vacuum my dorm room?! hehe totally kidding 🙂 I wish I liked to vacuum! I am so excited for christmas too Edye. And I am so excited it’s finally Fall! Love this weather!


  2. I love coffee date style posts!
    Congrats on the vacuum! I don’t like vacuuming but I definitely understand the thrill of winning something.
    I’m excited for you in this next phase in life as a nursing student!
    Halloween, My daughter informed me that she thinks I should be a pirate. And that my husband should be a princess, Haha!


    • Thank you so much for your kind words, Kelly! A pirate and a princess sounds very unique. I’m sure you and your husband would be a shoo-in for a costume contest 😉 Have a wonderful day!



  3. Girl, you are so welcome to come vacuum my house anytime. 😉 Our mutt sheds so much during certain times of the year that I’m cleaning our floors every other day! I’m glad you enjoy it, though! There’s something wonderful about the finished product of clean floors. 🙂

    I am so with you on Christmas! It’s my favorite! I always decorate early (like usually early to mid-November) and Christopher always jokes that he thinks he will come home to decorations up before Halloween one of these days. 😉 A month just isn’t long enough to enjoy all those twinkly lights!

    And girl, I like the sound of your costume!


    • Clean floors are the best! My family usually has our Christmas trees up by Thanksgiving. Whenever people come over they always say we’re a little “Christmas crazy,” but like you said, one month is just not long enough 😉 Hopefully the costume will work out; I just hope no one will ask me to explain what I am, ha! 😉


  4. What a lovely post 🙂 I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Xmas this year since I just moved to a new house wih my boyfriend. He is quite a coffee lover and I would like to give him a coffee machine. I found this one called Orca https://www.orca.coffee/ Have you heard about it? I would like to have someone’s opinion before getting this one. Thanks


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