Love Every Body.

Happy Friday my loves!

Today’s post is going to be a little on the deep side. I want to touch on a very important issue that so many women (and men) including myself have stuggled with. Body image.  I still have a ways to go, but over the past few years I’ve made progress in learning to love the body God has lent me to live in. I hope you guys enjoy this post and are encouraged by it.


It’s so easy to look in the mirror and pick apart what you don’t like. My stomach’s not flat enough. My legs are too long or too short. My arms aren’t toned enough. These are just a few things that many people struggle with. I remember when I first started going through puberty. My body was changing and I didn’t quite understand. I started being self-conscious, comparing myself to others and feeling the need to “change” who I was, mentally and physically, to be accepted. To be accepted not only by others, but by myself. I’ve always had God in my heart, but didn’t really start walking with the Lord until I was about 13. Once I started reading the Bible, I started learning that I am chosen. I am loved. I am made in His image. I started looking at the girl in the mirror and being less judgmental. Also, I was a lot less judgmental of others too.


We’re all unique. There’s no one in the world like you. Our bodies are our temple; they’re not supposed to be flawless. I have scars on my face from where I’ve fallen down. I have hair that can be super frizzy on a humid day. I have a super loud laugh. I’m imperfect. As I grow in my walk with the Lord, I’m learning that he didn’t make us to be perfect. He made us to be kind, grow, forgive, and spread His love to the world.


Healthy looks different on everyone. This is something I wish I could’ve told my 13 year old self. The girl who felt like she’d never be good enough because of a number on a scale. Please know that your worth is NOT defined in a number, of any kind! Don’t deprive yourself of that dress you want to wear or cupcake you want to eat, because you feel unworthy. I’m here to tell you that you are more than enough. You are more than worthy. You’re beautiful. You’re truly one of a kind ❤

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” (Psalm 139:14 – NKJV)


That’s all for today. I’ve had this topic on my heart for a while now and wanted to share my thoughts with you guys. In today society it’s rare to love the body you’re in. But, we really should. I know it’s not always easy, but once you learn to love and accept yourself, you’ll feel a sense of freedom you’ve never known.

Question time:

What are your thoughts on this topic?

In honor of “loving yourself,” comment below one thing you love about YOU! It could be physical or a characteristic you have, anything goes 🙂


Thanks for reading,


46 thoughts on “Love Every Body.

  1. such a great post Edye on such an important topic to touch on- thank you for sharing your thoughts on something that many are shy to talk about. It is time to learn that loving yourself isn’t selfish! I love that I am not afraid to use my voice 🙂


  2. Thank you Edye for this brilliant post. I feel it is so important to love and accept ourselves fully (including our body). I read once that, if one does not love oneself first, how can one expect to love another…


  3. Wonderful post! It can be a struggle sometimes when we compare ourselves to others and start to admire traits in other people that we don’t have ourselves. But we are wonderfully made, and perfect in our own way. For all the complaints we have about ourselves, there could be someone looking at us wishing they had the very thing we wish we didn’t!

    Away From The Blue Blog


    • Thank you, Mica! I totally agree! Everyone is unique and has their own quirks about them. What we wish we didn’t have, others wish they did. I’m learning to be grateful for the individual God created me to be. Have a lovely weekend 🙂



  4. A lovely empowering post. And your faith included in your strong message of loving the body we have is very inspiring. Xx Best wishes

    Keep Calm and start writing … uk


    • Thank you, Dora! I’m petite as well, and have stuggled with loving that aspect of my body. It is so important to accept ourselves for who we truly are. Have a fabulous day 🙂



  5. It’s so hard to love the parts of yourself that seem less than ideal or even make life stressful for you (like taming frizzy hair). I complain about it to myself, but also know that having those unique things makes me human, makes me relatable (who likes to be friends with the perfect person?) and helps me to be more understanding of others.
    Great post ❤


  6. Preach on, girl!

    Also, is that a Compassion teeshirt I spy? My husband and I sponsor kids through that organization and love it!


  7. This is great–I wish I could have realized this much younger! It made for a few rough years and still battling low self-esteem from time to time. I love the color of my eyes!


    • Thanks so much! I still struggle with low self-esteem as well, but I try and remember that I’m the only version of me there is. We’re all special and unique in our own ways 🙂 Thanks for reading and sharing something you love about you 🙂



  8. What I don’t understand is where ever we got this fabricated image of what a body “should look like.” I wish I knew where that all started so I could go back and erase it from happening. But, I can’t, so we must continue to just spread words and wisdom like you have done here, reminding us all that a body is a body and it is made just as it is supposed to be. There is no “perfect.” We have the ability to show true beauty through who we are inside – never with the outside. Thank you, Edye.


    • I completely agree, Cora! Beauty comes from within, and “perfection” doesn’t exist. If only we could instill that message into every person’s head. Have a lovely week ❤



  9. Great post, you are definitely right it is so rare for anyone to love the body they are in, even people we consider to be body ideals struggle with their own issues. I also think that if you do love your own body a lot of people are made to feel ashamed about it, like if you don’t think you’re flawed there is something wrong with you. I really hate what society has done to everyone’s ideals. You just can’t win in this world. Beautiful post x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin | Instagram


    • Thank you so much, Kiran! I totally agree, society has put such negative thoughts in our heads. I hope by sharing a post like this I can rid peoples minds of some of those thoughts 🙂



  10. I had a great conversation about this topic last night. I think I realized that I’m pretty confident about myself and that I don’t really care how I look, when I’m thinking just about myself. But body image and confidence is much more about seeing yourself in relation to others and that is where I get super insecure about myself. I’m not your mainstream girl and I feel that when comparing myself to others. Thankfully I realized that many people feel the same way.


    • You’re absolutely not alone in feeling that way, Eline. I find me comparing myself to others quite often. I’m trying to make an effort to stop doing that. I know that I’m the only version of me there is and that’s pretty cool 🙂



  11. Girl, everyone needs this post regardless of age! Love hearing how the Lord is transforming your mindset and view of yourself. You are lovely and I LOVE that you’re drawing out lovely for all the ladies reading your blog 🙂


  12. Edye this is such a great post! It’s so important to be reminded that what makes each of us different is what makes us beautiful! I think the biggest obstacle we face is learning to love ourselves in the same way the Lord loves us – unconditionally. Thanks for posting girl 🙂 Loving your blog!

    Kelsey |


  13. Thanks for stopping by at my blog. When I read this post, I was so impressed by your words of wisdom and how close you are to our Heavenly Father. It’s refreshing to see how caring a young teenager like yourself is to give such great advice. Don’t ever change. You’re one of the valiant young spirits that have come to this earth to help others.


    • This is the nicest comment I’ve ever received! As a christian I strive to exalt Christ in all that I do, so to know that I’m spreading God’s love in a positive way through my blog makes me so happy. Thank you so, so much for your kind words, Linda! I hope you’ll stop back by GracefulCoffee sometime soon ❤ 🙂

      God bless,


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