Monday Pinspiration

Hey all! I know Monday’s can be a total drag, but I wanted to share some uplifting quotes today that might encourage you. I think I might turn this into a series on the blog. I probably won’t do these every Monday. Rather, once or twice a month. We’ll see how it goes 😉

The pin says it all. We don’t have to do it all. I received a 1,000+ page text book in the mail from my school. I started reading it and was instantly overwhelmed. I love reading but come on, a thousand pages? Thankfully, my mom came into my study room and helped me plan out a  reading schedule that would be totally doable. Now I feel more relaxed about tackling school this week. Aren’t moms amazing? 😉

Pretty self explanatory. Mornings (especially Monday mornings) need coffee. I know this sounds crazy, but I’m so content when I’m drinking my morning cup of coffee while reading a book. It’s like a warm hug in a cup and I lose all track of time ❤

You really are! Everyday you live is another page in the book of your life. I’m not meaning to get deep all of a sudden. But, in all seriousness, this is your one life! If you want to wear that bright lip color – do it! If you want to have a dance party all by yourself – do it! You deserve to be happy.

Not gonna lie, I’m kind of a control freak. This is one quote I’ve really tried to take to heart. I trust in knowing that God knows everything lying ahead of me. He truly has me in the palm of His hand. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, one cannot control every aspect of their life. I’m trying to go with the flow more and enjoy the ride of life…

One of my personal goals is to make a least one person smile everyday. Yes, that person can even be me sometimes. Whenever I go out I always smile at strangers, because I know whenever I’m feeling down a smile from a stranger can make me feel loads better. A smile truly is a universal language. Even if the person can’t hear well or doesn’t speak the same language as you, a smile is a great way to say, “Hello, I hope you’re doing well.”


Hopefully these quotes brightened up your Monday. If you’re ever feeling down, look up inspiring quotes on Pinterest. It’s an instant mood booster 🙂 P.S Don’t forget to enter my 1st giveaway!!!

Question time:

How do you prepare for the upcoming week?

What’s a quote near to your heart?



Thanks for reading,


62 thoughts on “Monday Pinspiration

  1. Love the one that you are living your story. So often, I think we either forget that, or we focus too much on making each chapter perfect. But Ulysses got printed, right? lol


  2. Love these! I love the one about living your story. I get caught up in what I cant do in that moment or what I want to do in the future…Im always working on trying to enjoy the right now moments!


  3. Before the week starts, I like to write in my planner of what I have to do and set some goals for the upcoming week. I like to have some time for reflection and relaxation on Sunday night too to prep myself for the week!


  4. Good for your mom to help you out! I always felt overwhelmed as a Classical Studies and English major, I think I had a whole room dedicated to the books I had to read for the semesters, but I couldn’t ever really balance it out well to stay on top of everything.

    Yes on the coffee haha! My husbnad has gotten way better since our daughter was born but he was such a zombie prior.

    liz @ j for joiner


  5. This is lovely. I love the control quote. One of my favorite quotes is from Anne Lammot, “If you want to make God laugh, tell her your plan.” Reminds me that the more I try and plan something perfectly, the more I will be reminded that plans don’t work!!


  6. I love that you smile at strangers! Too often I find that everyone stares at their phone as they walk about to avoid eye contact. Like you, I try to smile to people when I can! 🙂


  7. I love quotes! So much inspiration. My favorite out of these is probably the one about living your story- there is so much truth in that!


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